Monday, June 20, 2011

Burp Cloth

I'm doing things out of order here. I've got two projects going at the moment, and I just forgot to take progress photos of one of them. I will do so tonight. In the meantime, I am playing around with making a burp cloth. (By the way, I have always hated the name burp cloth. So if I ever decide to sell these, I might just change the name) I have seen ones on the market that are hour-glass shaped, and think they seem pretty cool. I have been wanting to make one like that for a long time. Today I finally started one. My plan was to make both sides of the b.c. flannel, with a layer of terry cloth inside, but I found I didn't have enough coordinating flannel, so I decided to just cut one piece of flannel, and have the terry be the other side. Brings the bulk down a bit, which is nice.

On top is my pattern piece. I put a piece of copier paper over my shoulder to determine what length I wanted. I folded the paper in half to get a symmetrical half of the b.c. I folded my fabrics with right-sides together, and placed my pattern piece on the fold. Voila, my b.c. pieces.

(For those who notice these things, the blue piece needs pressing. It's not cut weird on the left, it's just folded under a bit. It IS funky on the right side. I didn't realize it was like that til after I cut it. But as always, I'll wing it and make it work.)

My hubby is modeling the finished product. It's a good size for everyone. I really like the size.

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