Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I have wanted to play with patching, or quilting, forever. I have always been intimidated by the work and patience involved. But I've been sewing a lot for the shop and I am trying to come up with interesting ideas. I recently finished this set, which consists of 3 cloth diapers, 12 flannel wipes, and a wet bag. It occurred to me that it might be interesting to have the wet bag match the flannel wipes and the diapers. So the inside of the wet bag is made from the same blue PUL waterproof fabric as the diapers are, and the wet bag has patches of fabric that match each of the 12 wipes! Although piecing IS a lot of work (ironing the little seams down is a chore....) the results are fun and a bit addicting. I've got plans to do more in the near future. =) 

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