Thursday, December 16, 2010

Taggie Blanket

 Yesterday I went to Walmart to pick up some last-minute gift stuff. I was wandering the toy aisles looking for something to give our 5-month-old nephew. As I looked through toys marked "12-months+" I started thinking about what it is that kids at that age like to do. My first thought was grab, and my second was CHEW. That is the beginning of the teething stage, droolies and all. Rather than buy some plastic toxic anything from who knows where (which always seem to be in packaging open to dirt, dust, hands.....) I came up with the idea of making my first taggie blanket. I already have a bin filled to the top with flannel, and a bag of assorted ribbons. Cool!

So this is what I came up with. And it didn't take long at all. I stitched everything inside-out, then flipped it through a small turn-hole, and top-stitched. I think I will stitch it again just to reinforce. Et voila. Having some kind of green or pale blue may have been nice for the reverse, but what I had was white, so there it is. And one more person on my list is done!

And anyone who makes something like this and gets a perfect square is...well.... lying. =)

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